Source code for mutatest.cli


The command line interface controls. This module defines the entry point for running ``mutatest``
from the command line and the full main trial routine - clean trials, mutations trials, reporting
import argparse
import configparser
import itertools
import logging
import re
import shlex
import sys

from datetime import timedelta
from pathlib import Path
from textwrap import dedent
from typing import Any, Dict, List, NamedTuple, Optional, Sequence, Type

from setuptools import find_packages  # type:ignore

import mutatest

from mutatest import cache, report, run, transformers
from import Config, MutantTrialResult

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
FORMAT = "%(asctime)s: %(message)s"
DEBUG_FORMAT = "%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s"

[docs]class SettingsFile(NamedTuple): """Container for settings file in ini or cfg parsing format.""" path: Path sections: List[str] # hierarchy of keys to search
# SETTINGS_FILES is the search hierarchy for configuration files SETTINGS_FILES = [ SettingsFile(Path("mutatest.ini"), ["mutatest"]), SettingsFile(Path("setup.cfg"), ["mutatest", "tool:mutatest"]), ]
[docs]class RunMode(NamedTuple): """Running mode choices. This translate the ``-m`` argument into valid ``Config`` options.""" mode: str @property def break_on_detection(self) -> bool: return self.mode in ["d", "sd"] @property def break_on_survival(self) -> bool: return self.mode in ["s", "sd"] @property def break_on_error(self) -> bool: # Set to TRUE for the cli as a default, may add CLI control options later return True @property def break_on_unknown(self) -> bool: # Set to TRUE for the cli as a default, may add CLI control options later return True @property def break_on_timeout(self) -> bool: # Set to TRUE for the cli as a default, may add CLI control options later return True
[docs]class TrialTimes(NamedTuple): """Container for trial run times used in summary report.""" clean_trial_1: timedelta clean_trial_2: timedelta mutation_trials: timedelta
[docs]class PositiveIntegerAction(argparse.Action): """Custom action for ensuring positive integers in number of trials.""" def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None): # type: ignore if values <= 0: parser.error("{0} must be a non-zero positive integer.".format(option_string)) setattr(namespace, self.dest, values)
def get_constrained_float_action( min_val: Optional[float] = None, max_val: Optional[float] = None ) -> Type[argparse.Action]: class ConstrainedFloatAction(argparse.Action): """Custom action for ensuring floats arguments meet these.""" def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None): # type: ignore if min_val is not None and values < min_val: parser.error("{0} must be no smaller than {1}.".format(option_string, min_val)) if max_val is not None and values > max_val: parser.error("{0} must be no greater than {1}.".format(option_string, max_val)) setattr(namespace, self.dest, values) return ConstrainedFloatAction
[docs]class ValidCategoryAction(argparse.Action): """Custom action to ensure only valid categories are used for only/skip listing.""" def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None): # type: ignore if len(values) > 0: valid_categories = {m.category for m in transformers.get_compatible_operation_sets()} values_set = set(values) if not values_set.issubset(valid_categories): parser.error( "{0} must only hold valid categories. Use --help to see options.".format( option_string ) ) setattr(namespace, self.dest, values)
[docs]class SurvivingMutantException(Exception): """Exception for surviving mutations.""" pass
[docs]class ParserActionMap(NamedTuple): """Container for parser mappings used in ConfigParsing with CLI args.""" actions: Dict[str, str] action_types: Dict[Any, List[str]]
#################################################################################################### # COMMAND LINE OUTPUTS AND PARSER DEFINITION ####################################################################################################
[docs]def cli_parser() -> argparse.ArgumentParser: """CLI argument parser. Returns: The ArgumentParser """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( prog="Mutatest", description=("Python mutation testing. Mutatest will manipulate local __pycache__ files."), formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter, epilog=cli_epilog(), ) parser.add_argument( "-k", "--skip", type=str, action=ValidCategoryAction, nargs="*", default=[], metavar="STR", help="Mutation categories to skip for trials. (default: empty list)", ) parser.add_argument( "-e", "--exclude", type=lambda x: Path(x).resolve(), action="append", default=[], metavar="PATH", help="Path to .py file to exclude, multiple -e entries supported. (default: None)", ) parser.add_argument( "-m", "--mode", choices=["f", "s", "d", "sd"], default="s", type=str, # can't lambda format this to RunMode because of choices help="Running modes, see the choice option descriptions below. (default: s)", ) parser.add_argument( "-n", "--nlocations", type=int, action=PositiveIntegerAction, default=10, metavar="INT", help=( "Number of locations in code to randomly select for mutation from possible targets. " "(default: 10)" ), ) parser.add_argument( "-o", "--output", type=str, metavar="PATH", help="Output RST file location for results. (default: No output written)", ) parser.add_argument( "-r", "--rseed", type=int, action=PositiveIntegerAction, metavar="INT", help="Random seed to use for sample selection.", ) parser.add_argument( "-s", "--src", required=False, type=lambda x: Path(x), metavar="PATH", help=( "Source code (file or directory) for mutation testing. " "(default: auto-detection attempt)." ), ) parser.add_argument( "-t", "--testcmds", required=False, default="pytest", metavar="STR_CMDS", # shelx.split will appropriately handle embedded quotes etc. for tokenization. type=lambda x: shlex.split(x), help="Test command string to execute. (default: 'pytest')", ) parser.add_argument( "-y", "--only", type=str, action=ValidCategoryAction, nargs="*", default=[], metavar="STR", help="Only use these mutation categories for trials. (default: empty list)", ) parser.add_argument( "-x", "--exception", type=int, action=PositiveIntegerAction, metavar="INT", help="Count of survivors to raise Mutation Exception for system exit.", ) parser.add_argument("--debug", action="store_true", help="Turn on DEBUG level logging output.") parser.add_argument( "--nocov", action="store_true", help="Ignore coverage files for optimization." ) parser.add_argument( "--parallel", action="store_true", help="Run with multiprocessing (Py3.8 only)." ) parser.add_argument( "--timeout_factor", help="If a mutation trial running time is beyond this factor multiplied by the " "first clean trial running time then that mutation trial is aborted and " "logged as a timeout.", default=5, type=float, metavar="FLOAT > 1", action=get_constrained_float_action(min_val=1, max_val=None), ) return parser
[docs]def cli_epilog() -> str: """Epilog for the help output.""" main_epilog = dedent( """ Additional command argument information: ======================================== Skip/Only Category Lists: ------------------------- - Use -k and -y to set skip/only lists of mutation categories. If -y categories are set then all mutation categories except those specified are skipped during trials. If -k categories are set then all mutations categories except those specified are considered. If you set both -k and -y then the only categories are selected first, and then the skipped categories are removed from the candidate set. Exclude: -------- - Useful for excluding files that are not included in test coverage. You can set the arg multiple times for additional files e.g. mutatest -e src/ -e src/ would exclude both src/ and src/ from mutation processing. Mode: ------ - f: full mode, run all possible combinations (slowest but most thorough). - s: break on first SURVIVOR per mutated location e.g. if there is a single surviving mutation at a location move to the next location without further testing. This is the default mode. - d: break on the first DETECTION per mutated location e.g. if there is a detected mutation on at a location move to the next one. - sd: break on the first SURVIVOR or DETECTION (fastest, and least thorough). The API for mutatest.controller.run_mutation_trials offers finer control over the run method beyond the CLI. Output: ------- - You can specify a file name or a full path. The folders in the path will be created if they do not already exist. The output is a text file formatted in RST headings. Src: ---- - This can be a file or a directory. If it is a directory it is recursively searched for .py files. Note that the __pycache__ file associated with the file (or sub-files in a directory) will be manipulated during mutation testing. If this argument is unspecified, mutatest will attempt to find Python packages (using setuptools.find_packages) and use the first entry from that auto-detection attempt. Testcmds: --------- - Specify custom test commands as a string e.g. 'pytest -m "not slow"' for running only the test suite without the marked "slow" tests. Shlex.split() is used to parse the entered command string. Mutant status e.g. SURVIVED vs. DETECTED is based on the return code of the command. Return code 0 = SURVIVED, 1 = DETECTED, 2 = ERROR, and all others are UNKNOWN. Stdout is shown from the command if --debug mode is enabled. Exception: ---------- - A count of survivors for raising an exception after the trails. This is useful if you want to raise a system-exit error in automatic running of the trials. For example, you could have a continuous integration pipeline stage that runs mutatest over an important section of tests (optionally specifying a random seed or categories) and cause a system exit if a set number of allowable survivors is exceeded. Parallel: --------- - Run tests with multi-processing using all available CPUs detected with os.cpu_count(). A buffer of 10s is added to the calculated timeout (based on the clean trial run time and timeout_factor argument) to avoid false timeouts with dispatch scheduling on fast test trials in subprocess execution. Parallel pycache is managed by setting the environment variable PYTHONPYCACHEPREFIX to a subdirectory in '.mutatest_cache/' for each trial. These cache files, and the '.mutatest_cache/' directory, are removed after running. This command only has an effect if you are running Python 3.8. """ ) header = "Supported mutation sets" description = ( "These are the current operations that are mutated as compatible sets. " "Use the category code for only/skip selections." ) mutation_epilog = [header, "=" * len(header), description, "\n"] for mutop in transformers.get_compatible_operation_sets(): mutation_epilog.extend( [, "-" * len(, f" - Description: {mutop.desc}", f" - Members: {str(mutop.operations)}", f" - Category Code: {str(mutop.category)}\n", ] ) meta_info = dedent( """ Mutatest information ==================== - Version: {version} - License: {license} - URL: {url} - {copyright} """ ).format_map( { "version": mutatest.__version__, "license": mutatest.__license__, "url": mutatest.__uri__, "copyright": mutatest.__copyright__, } ) return "\n".join([main_epilog] + mutation_epilog + [meta_info])
#################################################################################################### # INI FILE CONFIGURATION AND OVERRIDES FROM CLI ####################################################################################################
[docs]def get_parser_actions(parser: argparse.ArgumentParser) -> ParserActionMap: """Create a parser action map used when creating the command list mixed from the CLI and the ini config file. ParserActionMap has both actions and types e.g., .. code-block:: python # action-types: {argparse._HelpAction: ['help'], mutatest.cli.ValidCategoryAction: ['skip', 'only'], argparse._AppendAction: ['exclude'], argparse._StoreAction: ['mode', 'output', 'src', 'testcmds'], mutatest.cli.PositiveIntegerAction: ['nlocations', 'rseed', 'exception'], argparse._StoreTrueAction: ['debug', 'nocov']} # actions: {'-h': '--help', '-k': '--skip', '-e': '--exclude', '-m': '--mode', '-n': '--nlocations', '-o': '--output', '-r': '--rseed', '-s': '--src', '-t': '--testcmds', '-x': '--exception', '-y': '--only', '--debug': '--debug', '--parallel': '--parallel', '--nocov': '--nocov'} Args: parser: the argparser Returns: ParserActionMap: includes actions and action_types """ actions: Dict[str, str] = {} action_types: Dict[Any, List[str]] = {} for action in parser._actions: # build the actions # option_strings is either [-r, --rseed] or [--debug] for short-hand options actions[action.option_strings[0]] = action.option_strings[-1] # build the action_types # values align to the keywords that can be used in the INI config try: action_types[type(action)].append(action.option_strings[-1].strip("--")) except KeyError: action_types[type(action)] = [action.option_strings[-1].strip("--")] return ParserActionMap(actions=actions, action_types=action_types)
[docs]def read_ini_config( config_path: Path, sections: Optional[List[str]] = None ) -> configparser.SectionProxy: """Read a config_path using ConfigParser Args: config_path: path to the INI config file sections: sections of config file to return, default to ['mutatest'] if None Returns: config section proxy Raises: KeyError if ``section`` not in ``config_path``. """ sections = sections or ["mutatest"] config = configparser.ConfigParser() # ensures [ mutatest ] is valid like [mutatest] in a section key config.SECTCRE = re.compile(r"\[ *(?P<header>[^]]+?) *\]") # type: ignore # Attempt sections in the list, if none are matched raise a KeyError for section in sections: try: return config[section] except KeyError: continue raise KeyError
[docs]def parse_ini_config_with_cli( parser: argparse.ArgumentParser, ini_config: configparser.SectionProxy, cli_args: Sequence[str] ) -> List[str]: """Combine the INI file settings with the CLI args, using the CLI args as the override. Args: parser: the argparser ini_config: the section of the parsed INI file cli_args: the original cli args Returns: Updated args mixing INI and CLI, with CLI used as the override """ action_maps = get_parser_actions(parser) final_args_list = [action_maps.actions.get(i, i) for i in cli_args] def ws_proc(value: str) -> List[str]: """Convenience function for stripping newlines from configparser section values and splitting whitespace to a list. """ return value.replace("\n", " ").split() for k in ini_config.keys(): arg_key = f"--{k}" if arg_key in action_maps.actions.values() and arg_key not in final_args_list: if k in action_maps.action_types[mutatest.cli.ValidCategoryAction]: values = ws_proc(ini_config[k]) final_args_list.extend([arg_key] + values) elif k in action_maps.action_types[argparse._StoreTrueAction]: if ini_config.getboolean(k): final_args_list.append(arg_key) elif k in action_maps.action_types[argparse._AppendAction]: values = ws_proc(ini_config[k]) final_args_list.extend( [i for j in list(itertools.product([arg_key], values)) for i in j] ) else: final_args_list.extend([arg_key, ini_config[k]]) return final_args_list
#################################################################################################### # CLI REPORTING OUTPUTS ####################################################################################################
[docs]def cli_summary_report( src_loc: Path, args: argparse.Namespace, locs_mutated: int, locs_identified: int, runtimes: TrialTimes, ) -> str: """Create a command line summary header for the final reporting. Args: src_loc: source location args: argparse namespace from cli locs_mutated: total locations that were mutated locs_identified: total locations identified as potential mutations runtimes: trial times for the clean trials and mutation trials Returns: str """ cli_summary_template = dedent( """\ Mutatest diagnostic summary =========================== - Source location: {src_loc} - Test commands: {testcmds} - Mode: {mode} - Excluded files: {exclude} - N locations input: {n_locs} - Random seed: {seed} Random sample details --------------------- - Total locations mutated: {locs_mutated} - Total locations identified: {locs_identified} - Location sample coverage: {coverage} % Running time details -------------------- - Clean trial 1 run time: {ct1} - Clean trial 2 run time: {ct2} - Mutation trials total run time: {mt} """ ) coverage = 0.0 if locs_identified > 0: coverage = (locs_mutated / locs_identified) * 100 fmt_map = { "src_loc": str(src_loc.resolve()), "testcmds": args.testcmds, "mode": args.mode, "exclude": args.exclude, "n_locs": args.nlocations, "seed": args.rseed, "locs_mutated": locs_mutated, "locs_identified": locs_identified, "coverage": f"{coverage:.2f}", "ct1": runtimes.clean_trial_1, "ct2": runtimes.clean_trial_2, "mt": runtimes.mutation_trials, } return cli_summary_template.format_map(fmt_map)
#################################################################################################### # CLI ACTIONS - LOCATIONS, EXCEPTIONS, FILTERING SELECTIONS ####################################################################################################
[docs]def get_src_location(src_loc: Optional[Path] = None) -> Path: """Find packages is used if the ``src_loc`` is not set Args: src_loc: current source location, defaults to None Returns: Path to the source location Raises: FileNoeFoundError: if the source location doesn't exist. """ if not src_loc: find_pkgs = find_packages() if find_pkgs: src_loc = Path(find_pkgs[0]) return src_loc else: if src_loc.exists(): return src_loc raise FileNotFoundError( "No source directory specified or automatically detected. " "Use --src or --help to see options." )
[docs]def selected_categories(only: List[str], skip: List[str]) -> List[str]: """Create the selected categories from the skip/only set to use in filtering. Args: only: list of categories skip: list of categories Returns: Selection set of mutation categories """ all_mutations = {m.category for m in transformers.get_compatible_operation_sets()} w_set = set(only) b_set = set(skip) if w_set: return list(w_set - b_set) return list(all_mutations - b_set)
[docs]def exception_processing(n_survivors: int, trial_results: List[MutantTrialResult]) -> None: """Raise a custom mutation exception if ``n_survivors`` count is met. Args: n_survivors: tolerance number for survivors trial_results: results from the trials Returns: None Raises: SurvivingMutantException: if the number of survivors is exceeded. """ survived = report.get_reported_results(trial_results, "SURVIVED") if len(survived.mutants) >= n_survivors: message = run.colorize_output( f"Survivor tolerance breached: {len(survived.mutants)} / {n_survivors}", "red" ) raise SurvivingMutantException(message) "%s", run.colorize_output( f"Survivor tolerance OK: {len(survived.mutants)} / {n_survivors}", "green" ), )
#################################################################################################### # MAIN COMMAND LINE ROUTINE ####################################################################################################
[docs]def cli_args(args: Sequence[str], search_config_files: bool = True) -> argparse.Namespace: """Command line arguments as parsed args. If a INI configuration file is set it is used to set additional default arguments, but the CLI arguments override any INI file settings. Args: args: the argument sequence from the command line search_config_files: flag for looking through ``SETTINGS_FILES`` for settings Returns: Parsed args from ArgumentParser """ parser = cli_parser() if search_config_files: for ini_config_file in SETTINGS_FILES: if ini_config_file.path.exists(): try: ini_config = read_ini_config(ini_config_file.path, ini_config_file.sections) ini_cli_args = parse_ini_config_with_cli(parser, ini_config, args) return parser.parse_args(ini_cli_args) except KeyError: # read_ini_config will raise KeyError if the section is not valid continue return parser.parse_args(args)
[docs]def cli_main() -> None: """Entry point to run CLI args and execute main function.""" # Run a quick check at the beginning in case of later OS errors. cache.check_cache_invalidation_mode() args = cli_args(sys.argv[1:]) main(args)
[docs]def main(args: argparse.Namespace) -> None: """Main CLI function to run the mutation trials and report results. Args: args: argparse arguments Returns: None, reports output """ src_loc = get_src_location(args.src) # set the logging level based on the debug flag in args # when in debug mode the test stdout is not captured by logging.basicConfig( format=DEBUG_FORMAT if args.debug else FORMAT, level=logging.DEBUG if args.debug else logging.INFO, stream=sys.stdout, ) clean_runtime_1 = run.clean_trial(src_loc=src_loc, test_cmds=args.testcmds) # Run the mutation trials based on the input argument # set categories if present filter_codes: List[str] = list() if len(args.only) > 0 or len(args.skip) > 0: filter_codes = selected_categories(only=args.only, skip=args.skip) # Build the running configuration for the mutation trials run_mode = RunMode(args.mode) config = Config( n_locations=args.nlocations, exclude_files=args.exclude, filter_codes=filter_codes, random_seed=args.rseed, break_on_detected=run_mode.break_on_detection, break_on_survival=run_mode.break_on_survival, break_on_error=run_mode.break_on_error, break_on_unknown=run_mode.break_on_unknown, break_on_timeout=run_mode.break_on_timeout, ignore_coverage=args.nocov, max_runtime=args.timeout_factor * clean_runtime_1.total_seconds(), multi_processing=args.parallel, ) results_summary = run.run_mutation_trials( src_loc=src_loc, test_cmds=args.testcmds, config=config ) # Run the pipeline with no mutations last to ensure cleared cache clean_runtime_2 = run.clean_trial(src_loc=src_loc, test_cmds=args.testcmds) runtimes = TrialTimes( clean_trial_1=clean_runtime_1, clean_trial_2=clean_runtime_2, mutation_trials=results_summary.total_runtime, ) # create the report of results cli_report = cli_summary_report( src_loc=src_loc, args=args, locs_mutated=results_summary.n_locs_mutated, locs_identified=results_summary.n_locs_identified, runtimes=runtimes, ) trial_report, display_results = report.analyze_mutant_trials(results_summary.results)"CLI Report:\n\n%s", cli_report)"Trial Summary Report:\n\n%s\n", display_results.summary)"Detected mutations:%s\n", display_results.detected)"Timedout mutations:%s\n", display_results.timedout)"Surviving mutations:%s\n", display_results.survived) if args.output: report.write_report("\n".join([cli_report, trial_report]), Path(args.output)) if args.exception:"Survivor tolerance check for %s surviving mutants.", args.exception) exception_processing(args.exception, results_summary.results)