Source code for mutatest.api


These are high level objects for interacting with ``mutatest``. The primary objects include:

1. The ``Genome``
2. The ``GenomeGroup``
3. The ``Mutant``

``Genomes`` are representations of a Python source code file. This includes a representation of
the Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) and the locations within the AST that could be mutated. The
locations are accessed by the ``targets`` and ``covered_targets`` properties of the ``Genome``,
the latter being available if a coverage file is set for the ``Genome``.
Locations are represented as ``LocIndex`` objects from ``mutatest.transformers`` which may be
referenced as specific points of mutation.

``Mutants`` are created from ``Genome.mutate()`` for a specific ``LocIndex`` in the ``Genome``
targets. A ``mutant`` is an immutable named-tuple with all of the attributes necessary to mutate
the appropriate ``__pycache__`` file with the ``write_cache()`` method.

Collections of ``Genomes`` can be managed through a ``GenomeGroup``. The ``GenomeGroup`` provides
methods for setting global filters, coverage files, and producing targets of ``LocIndex`` objects
across the collection of ``Genomes``. This is a useful representation when dealing with a folder
of multiple source files.
import ast
import importlib
import itertools
import logging

from import MutableMapping
from copy import deepcopy
from pathlib import Path
from typing import (

from mutatest import cache
from mutatest.filters import CategoryCodeFilter, CoverageFilter
from mutatest.transformers import CATEGORIES, LocIndex, MutateAST

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class MutationException(Exception): """Mutation Exception type specifically for mismatches in mutation operations.""" pass
[docs]class Mutant(NamedTuple): """Mutant definition. Mutants are created through the Genome at specific targets using the mutate method. Mutants are immutable and can be written to disk in the ``__pycache__``. You can create ``Mutants`` using ``Genome.mutate``, and then ``write_cache`` to apply to the ``__pycache__``. """ mutant_code: Any src_file: Path cfile: Path loader: Any source_stats: Mapping[str, Any] mode: int src_idx: LocIndex mutation: Any
[docs] def write_cache(self) -> None: """Create the cache file for the mutant on disk in ``__pycache__``. Existing target cache files are removed to ensure clean overwrites. Reference: Returns: None, creates the cache file on disk. """ cache.check_cache_invalidation_mode() bytecode = importlib._bootstrap_external._code_to_timestamp_pyc( # type: ignore self.mutant_code, self.source_stats["mtime"], self.source_stats["size"] ) cache.remove_existing_cache_files(self.src_file) cache.create_cache_dirs(self.cfile) LOGGER.debug("Writing mutant cache file: %s", self.cfile) importlib._bootstrap_external._write_atomic(self.cfile, bytecode, self.mode) # type: ignore
[docs]class Genome: """The Genome class describes the source file to be mutated. The class describes a single .py file and has properties for the abstract syntax tree (AST) and the viable mutation targets. You can initialize without any arguments. If the ``source_file`` is changed the ast and targets properties will be recalculated for that file. Locations in the Genome may be mutated and written to the ``__pycache__`` using the mutate method. """ def __init__( self, source_file: Optional[Union[str, Path]] = None, coverage_file: Optional[Union[str, Path]] = Path(".coverage"), filter_codes: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None, ) -> None: """Initialize the Genome. There are internal properties prefixed with an underscore used for the lazy evaluation of the AST and mutation targets. Args: source_file: an optional source file path coverage_file: coverage file for filtering covered lines, default value is set to ".coverage". filter_codes: 2-letter category codes to filter returned targets """ # Properties with an underscore prefix are used for local caching and are not designed # to be modified directly. # Related to source files, AST, targets self._source_file = None self._ast: Optional[ast.Module] = None self._targets: Optional[Set[LocIndex]] = None # Related to coverage filtering self._coverage_file = None self._covered_targets: Optional[Set[LocIndex]] = None # Related to category code filtering, not cached but uses a setter for valid value checks self._filter_codes: Set[str] = set() # Initialize set values using properties # These may be set later and clear the cached values in the setters self.source_file = Path(source_file) if source_file else None self.coverage_file = Path(coverage_file) if coverage_file else None self.filter_codes: Set[str] = set(filter_codes) if filter_codes else set() ################################################################################################ # CATEGORY FILTER CODES PROPERTIES ################################################################################################ @property def filter_codes(self) -> Set[str]: """Filter codes applied to targets and covered targets.""" return self._filter_codes @filter_codes.setter def filter_codes(self, value: Iterable[str]) -> None: """Setter for filter codes. These are always applied when set on the Genome. Set this to an empty set to remove all category code filters from returned targets. Args: value: a set of 2-letter codes, use a set of a single code if needed. Returns: None Raises: ValueError: if the 2-letter codes in value are not supported by the transformer. """ value, valid_codes = set(value), set(CATEGORIES.values()) if not value.issubset(valid_codes): raise ValueError( f"Invalid category codes: {value - valid_codes}.\nValid codes: {CATEGORIES}" ) self._filter_codes = value ################################################################################################ # SOURCE FILE PROPERTIES ################################################################################################ @property def source_file(self) -> Optional[Path]: """The source .py file represented by this Genome. Returns: The ``source_file`` path. """ return self._source_file @source_file.setter def source_file(self, value: Optional[Union[str, Path]]) -> None: """Setter for the source_file that clears the AST and targets for recalculation.""" self._source_file = Path(value) if value else None self._ast = None self._targets = None @property def ast(self) -> ast.Module: # type: ignore """Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) representation of the source_file. This is cached locally and updated if the source_file is changed. Returns: Parsed AST for the source file. Raises: TypeError: if ``source_file`` is not set. """ if self._ast is None: if not self.source_file: raise TypeError("Source_file property is set to NoneType.") with open(self.source_file, "rb") as src_stream: self._ast = ast.parse( return self._ast @property def targets(self) -> Set[LocIndex]: """Viable mutation targets within the AST of the ``source_file``. This is cached locally and updated if the source_file is changed. Filtering is not cached and applies any time the ``filter_codes`` are changed. Returns: The set of the location index objects from the transformer that could be potential mutation targets. """ if self._targets is None: ro_mast = MutateAST( target_idx=None, mutation=None, readonly=True, src_file=self.source_file ) ro_mast.visit(self.ast) self._targets = ro_mast.locs return CategoryCodeFilter(codes=self.filter_codes).filter(self._targets) ################################################################################################ # COVERAGE FILTER PROPERTIES ################################################################################################ @property def coverage_file(self) -> Optional[Path]: """The .coverage file to use for filtering targets.""" return self._coverage_file @coverage_file.setter def coverage_file(self, value: Optional[Union[str, Path]]) -> None: """Setter for ``coverage_file``, clears the cached ``covered_targets``.""" self._coverage_file = Path(value) if value else None self._covered_targets = None @property def covered_targets(self) -> Set[LocIndex]: """Targets that are marked as covered based on the ``coverage_file``. This is cached locally and updated if the coverage_file is changed. Filtering is not cached and applies any time the filter_codes are changed. Returns: The targets that are covered. Raises: TypeError: if the ``source_file`` or ``coverage_file`` is not set for the Genome. """ if not self.source_file: raise TypeError("Source_file property is set to NoneType.") if not self.coverage_file: raise TypeError("Coverage_file property is set to NoneType.") if self._covered_targets is None: self._covered_targets = CoverageFilter(coverage_file=self.coverage_file).filter( self.targets, self.source_file ) return CategoryCodeFilter(codes=self.filter_codes).filter(self._covered_targets) ################################################################################################ # MUTATION METHODS ################################################################################################
[docs] def mutate(self, target_idx: LocIndex, mutation_op: Any, write_cache: bool = False) -> Mutant: """Create a mutant from a single LocIndex that is in the Genome. Mutation_op must be a valid mutation for the target_idx operation code type. Optionally, use write_cache to write the mutant to ``__pycache__`` based on the detected location at the time of creation. The Genome AST is unmodified by mutate. Args: target_idx: the target location index (member of .targets) mutation_op: the mutation operation to use write_cache: optional flag to write to ``__pycache__`` Returns: The mutant definition Raises: MutationException: if ``mutation_op`` is not a valid mutation for the location index. TypeError: if the source_file property is not set on the Genome. ValueError: if the target_idx is not a member of Genome targets. """ op_code = CATEGORIES[target_idx.ast_class] valid_mutations = CategoryCodeFilter(codes=(op_code,)).valid_mutations if mutation_op not in valid_mutations: raise MutationException( f"{mutation_op} is not a member of mutation category {op_code}.\n" f"Valid mutations for {op_code}: {valid_mutations}." ) if not self.source_file: raise TypeError("Source_file is set to NoneType") if target_idx not in self.targets: raise ValueError(f"{target_idx} is not in the Genome targets.") mutant_ast = MutateAST( target_idx=target_idx, mutation=mutation_op, src_file=self.source_file, readonly=False ).visit( deepcopy(self.ast) # deepcopy to avoid in-place modification of AST ) # generate cache file pyc machinery for writing the __pycache__ file loader = importlib.machinery.SourceFileLoader( # type: ignore "<py_compile>", self.source_file ) # create the cache files with the mutated AST mutant = Mutant( mutant_code=compile(mutant_ast, str(self.source_file), "exec"), src_file=Path(self.source_file), cfile=Path(cache.get_cache_file_loc(self.source_file)), loader=loader, source_stats=loader.path_stats(self.source_file), mode=importlib._bootstrap_external._calc_mode(self.source_file), # type: ignore src_idx=target_idx, mutation=mutation_op, ) if write_cache: mutant.write_cache() return mutant
[docs]class GenomeGroupTarget(NamedTuple): """Container for targets returned from GenomeGroup to associated source path to LocIdx.""" source_path: Path loc_idx: LocIndex
[docs]class GenomeGroup(MutableMapping): # type: ignore """The GenomeGroup: a MutableMapping of Genomes for operations on the group. """ def __init__(self, source_location: Optional[Union[str, Path]] = None) -> None: """Initialize the GenomeGroup. GenomeGroup is a MutableMapping collection of Genomes with defined ``source_file`` locations. You can use it to apply standard filters or coverage files across the group and get all mutation targets for the group. Folders and files can be added through methods. Args: source_location: an optional folder for initialization using the default settings of no file exclusions except 'test' files. For more flexibility, initialize the class and then use the ``.add_folder()`` method directly. """ # internal mapping for Genomes, not designed for direct modification, use class properties self._store: Dict[Path, Genome] = dict() if source_location is not None: source_location = Path(source_location) if source_location.is_dir(): self.add_folder(source_location) elif source_location.is_file(): self.add_file(source_location) else: raise TypeError(f"{source_location} is not a folder or file.") def __setitem__(self, key: Path, value: Genome) -> None: """Setter for GenomeGroup, enforces Path keys and Genome values. Args: key: key for the mapping, must be a path value: the genome Returns: None """ if not isinstance(key, Path): raise TypeError("Only Path keys are supported.") if not isinstance(value, Genome): raise TypeError("Only Genome values are supported.") self._store[key] = value def __getitem__(self, key: Path) -> Genome: """Getter for keys from the mapping store.""" return self._store[key] def __delitem__(self, key: Path) -> None: """Delete a key from the mapping store.""" del self._store[key] def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[Path]: """Iterate over the mapping store keys.""" return iter(self._store) def __len__(self) -> int: """Count of keys in the mapping store.""" return len(self._store) def __repr__(self) -> str: """Base mapping store repr.""" return self._store.__repr__()
[docs] def items(self) -> ItemsView[Path, Genome]: """ItemsView for the mapping store.""" return self._store.items()
[docs] def keys(self) -> KeysView[Path]: """KeysView of the mapping store.""" return self._store.keys()
[docs] def values(self) -> ValuesView[Genome]: """ValuesView of the mapping store.""" return self._store.values()
[docs] def add_genome(self, genome: Genome) -> None: """Add a Genome to the GenomeGroup. Genomes must have a defined ``source_file``. Args: genome: the ``Genome`` to add Returns: None Raises: TypeError: if the ``Genome.source_file`` is not set. """ if genome.source_file is None: raise TypeError("Genome source_file is set to NoneType.") self.__setitem__(genome.source_file, genome)
[docs] def add_file( self, source_file: Union[str, Path], coverage_file: Optional[Union[str, Path]] = Path(".coverage"), ) -> None: """Add a ``.py`` source file to the group as a new Genome. The Genome is created automatically. Args: source_file: the source file to add with Genome creation coverage_file: an optional coverage file to set on the Genome, defaults to ".coverage". Returns: None """ self.add_genome(Genome(source_file=source_file, coverage_file=coverage_file))
[docs] def add_folder( self, source_folder: Union[str, Path], exclude_files: Optional[Iterable[Union[str, Path]]] = None, ignore_test_files: bool = True, ) -> None: """Add a folder (recursively) to the GenomeGroup for all ``.py`` files. Args: source_folder: the folder to recursively search exclude_files: optional iterable of specific files in the source_folder to skip ignore_test_files: optional flag, default to true, to ignore files prefixed with ``test_`` or suffixed with ``_test`` in the stem of the file name. Returns: None, adds all files as Genomes to the group. Raises: TypeError: if ``source_folder`` is not a folder. """ source_folder = Path(source_folder) exclude_files = [Path(e).resolve() for e in exclude_files] if exclude_files else set() if not source_folder.is_dir(): raise TypeError(f"{source_folder} is not a directory.") for fn in source_folder.rglob("*.py"): if (fn.stem.startswith("test_") or fn.stem.endswith("_test")) and ignore_test_files: continue else: if fn.resolve() not in exclude_files: self.add_file(fn)
[docs] def set_filter(self, filter_codes: Iterable[str]) -> None: """Set the filter codes for all Genomes in the group. Args: filter_codes: iterable of 2-letter codes to set on all Genomes in the group. Returns: None """ for k, v in self.items(): v.filter_codes = set(filter_codes)
[docs] def set_coverage(self, coverage_file: Union[str, Path]) -> None: """Set a common coverage file for all Genomes in the group. Args: coverage_file: the coverage file to set. Returns: None """ for k, v in self.items(): v.coverage_file = Path(coverage_file)
@property def targets(self) -> Set[GenomeGroupTarget]: """All mutation targets in the group, returned as tuples of ``source_file`` and location indices in a single set. Returns: Set of tuples of ``source_file`` and location index for all targets in the group. These are ``GenomeGroupTargets`` to make attribute access easier. """ targets = set() for k, v in self.items(): targets.update(set(itertools.product([k], v.targets))) return {GenomeGroupTarget(*t) for t in targets} @property def covered_targets(self) -> Set[GenomeGroupTarget]: """All mutation targets in the group that are covered, returned as tuples of ``source_file`` and location indices in a single set. Returns: Set of tuples of ``source_file`` and location index for all covered targets in the group. These are ``GenomeGroupTargets`` to make attribute access easier. """ covered_targets = set() for k, v in self.items(): covered_targets.update(set(itertools.product([k], v.covered_targets))) return {GenomeGroupTarget(*c) for c in covered_targets}